1899 Seasons 2 & 3 Planned – Creators Know Netflix Series Endgame

Fan of 1899? Permission to get excited for continuing adventures! The hit Netflix historical/mystery/sci-fi series has Seasons 2 and 3 planned, as revealed by the show’s creators Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, who have stated that they know the endpoint of the show’s journey and have certain “cornerstones” in place for the story.

White Season 1, 1899 was all about setting up a big theme, the potential 2nd and 3rd seasons would see this theme explored further, with a resolution at the end of Season 3 (how apt!), per Indie Wire:

“We are giving a big answer in Episode 7 in Season 1. It’s not a constant, ‘Yeah, we fool you’ and then you see it in Season 3,” bo Odar said. “Season 1 is about establishing a big theme, a big thing. Let’s see if there’s a Season 2, and then we’ll start playing with that theme, and have a resolution ideally in third season. Again it’s, like ‘Dark,’ meant to be told in three seasons.”

“We always know the endpoint, the ending of the journey, the biggest reveal of them all. Apart from that, during the process, you just find pieces that aren’t included in Season 1 yet, but you know that you want them to be incorporated at some point. It’s having some cornerstones to go to and knowing where you’re heading, but also being flexible to the things that happen around you to act as input,” Friese said.

Are you are fan of 1899? How many seasons do you want the series to run?

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