Vortex: Netflix Season 1 Release Date

Vortex Netflix Premiere Dates

Vortex Premiere Date/Status

Vortex SEASON 1 Premiere Date Set On Netflix

Vortex Season 1 ReleaseJune 2, 2023

About Vortex TV Series

It’s the year 2025. Ludovic is the police captain for the French city of Brest. Twenty-seven years prior, he lost the love of his life, Mélanie, in what looked like a tragic mundane accident. But while studying a reconstructed VR crime scene, he stumbles upon a time warp that turns his life upside down: thanks to a glitch, he’s able to communicate with Mélanie, just a few days before her death, in 1998. Moving heaven and earth to try and save her from her tragic fate by stopping her murderer, Ludovic is in danger of losing his own life in the present along with his wife Parvana and their son Sam.


First episode date: June 2, 2023
Network: Netflix
Show type: Crime, Detective, Drama, Fantasy, Police, Science Fiction

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