Don’t Forget the Lyrics!

Don’t Forget the Lyrics! Premiere Dates & Status

Don't Forget the Lyrics!

Air Dates

May 23, 2022–



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Hosted by Emmy Award-winner Niecy Nash, Don't Forget The Lyrics challenges contestants' musical memory, as they get one song closer to winning $1 million. Contestants will choose songs from different genres, decades and musical artists. Then they'll take center stage to sing alongside the live in-studio band as the lyrics are projected on screen - but when the music stops and the words disappear, will the contestants belt out the correct missing lyrics, or freeze under pressure? If they sing nine songs correctly, they are presented with a No. 1 hit and sing the final missing lyrics for the top prize of $1 million. It's that simple: 1 contestant, 10 songs, 1 million dollars!


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